


The Dream

That morning, in their campsite not far from Bethlehem, the three wise men awoke to discover an amazing thing. An angel had appeared to them in their dreams. 

“Do not return through Jerusalem,” said the angel. “King Herod was not truthful with you. He does not plan to worship the newborn king. Instead, he plans to do him harm.”

Diary Date

Sunbeams Stay and Play Toddler Group Christmas Nativity and Father Christmas party in the chapel and hall 10.30am.


Step One

Download and print off the attached Advent Nativity Trail Check Sheet.

Step Two

Explore the village and check off each frame as you see them.

Step Three

Scan the QR code on each frame to read about the Christmas Story at each stop!


our upcoming Advent events

Sunday 24th December
Christmas Eve Nativity at 4:00pm

Monday 25th December
Christmas Day Service at 10:00am

All are welcome!

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